
KeTMath Rule

  1. Fraction fr(a,b)  Tiny fraction tfr(a,b)
  2. Multiplication aba*b is also available
  3. Power a^(b)a^b is also available for 1 character b
  4. Square root sq(a)  n-th root sq(n,a)
  5. Trigonometric sin(x)  power of sin(x) sin(n,x)
  6. Pi pi
  7. Degree (deg)
  8. Logaritm log(x) ln(x) log(a,x)
  9. New line //
  10. Space (sp)  \; is used
  11. Roman 100tx(m) or 100@m@(Enclose with @)
  12. Integrate int(x^2,x), int(a,b,x^2,x)
    Rem) Add ! to remove ( ) around the function
  13. Bracket br(f(x),a,b)
  14. Limit lim(x,a,f(x))
  15. Sum sum(k=1,n,k^2)
  16. Differntiation diff(y,x)  Partial diff par(z,x)
  17. Matrix mat(a,b;c,d)  Determinant det(a,b;c,d)
  18. Case case(a,(x<0);c,(x(geq)0))
  19. Dot (cdot).  Cross (cross)
  20. Plusminus (pm),(mp)
  21. Inquality <, >, (leq), (geq),(neq)
  22. Under score a_n
  23. Greek {\alpha},{\beta}
  24. Other TeX symbols  Separate them with (sp),comma, { }